摘要: 续签泰国学生签证需要进行体检,并提交相应的体检表。本文将详细介绍续签所需的体检表以及相关要求。 目录: 1、体检表的要求 2、体检项目及要求 3、体检表的填写方法 4、体检结果的处理 5、体检表的提交 ……
Studying abroad is a great opportunity to gain knowledge, broaden horizons and acquire new experiences. The United Kingdom is one of the most sought-after destinations for international students due to its excellent educational opportunities. For many students, the ultimate goal of studying in the UK is to secure a job and eventually, permanent residency in the country. In this article, we will explore how long one can stay in the UK to work after studying and the requirements and policies governing work permits for international students.
Starting in 2024, international students who have completed a degree at a UK institution will have the opportunity to stay for up to two years after graduation on the new Graduate Route visa. The Graduate Route visa will be available to international students who have completed an undergraduate degree or higher at a UK university and have valid Tier 4 visas at the time of application.
Students who complete their degree studies in summer 2024 or later will be eligible to apply for the Graduate Route visa, with applications set to open from July 1 2024. The visa will cost £700 and will allow international students to work, or look for work, in the UK at any skill level for a period of two years following the completion of their studies.
To apply for the Graduate Route visa, international students must meet specific requirements. Students must have:
Completed an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at a UK institution
Valid Tier 4 visa at the time of application
Gathered sufficient evidence to meet the Home Office requirements
Valid Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS) statement
Evidence of meeting the English language requirements
Maintained status as a student in the UK
After the expiration of the Graduate Route Visa, international students must obtain a work permit to continue working in the UK. The UK government has several work permit categories, including the Tier 2 General Work Visa. This visa is designed for those who have a job offer from a UK employer and is valid for up to 5 years. Applicants must demonstrate the following:
A job offer from a UK employer with a valid sponsorship license
Meet the minimum skill and salary requirements
Satisfactory evidential documentation
Meeting the appropriate English language skills
As we’ve seen, post-study work permits in the UK are a vital consideration for international students who intend to work in the UK. The recent introduction of the Graduate Route Visa has been *** d as it allows students to stay in the UK for two years after graduation to live and work. After the expiration of the Graduate Route visa, international students can apply for other types of work visas, such as the Tier 2 General Work Visa. It is essential to keep in mind the requirements for each visa type, which are subject to change based on changing policy and legislation.
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摘要: 续签泰国学生签证需要进行体检,并提交相应的体检表。本文将详细介绍续签所需的体检表以及相关要求。 目录: 1、体检表的要求 2、体检项目及要求 3、体检表的填写方法 4、体检结果的处理 5、体检表的提交 ……
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