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发布于:2024-12-17 作者:小途 阅读:16


As the new academic year approaches, many international students who were unable to travel to the UK due to the pandemic are now preparing to return to their studies. To facilitate this process, the UK government has introduced changes to the student visa application process and requirements to ensure a *** ooth return to campus. This article will outline the new requirements for students wishing to return to the UK on a student visa.

Updated Documentation Requirements

One of the main changes introduced by the UK government is an updated list of documentation required for a student visa application. Students are now required to provide additional proof of their financial situation, including bank statements and financial sponsorship documents. This is to ensure that students have the necessary funds to support themselves while studying in the UK. In addition, students must provide evidence of their English language proficiency and academic qualifications.

COVID-19 Vaccination Status

The UK government has also introduced new requirements regarding COVID-19 vaccinations for international students returning to the UK. Students are now required to show proof of their vaccination status, either by providing a vaccine certificate or by submitting their vaccination status to the NHS COVID Pass. This requirement is in line with the UK government’s efforts to control the spread of COVID-19 and ensure the safety of all students and staff on university campuses.

Quarantine Requirements

Upon arrival in the UK, international students are required to quarantine for a certain period of time, depending on their country of origin. The quarantine period can be up to 10 days and must be spent in a government-approved hotel. Students must also take two COVID-19 tests during their quarantine period and follow all other public health guidelines, such as wearing masks and practicing social distancing. It is important to note that the cost of the quarantine period and COVID-19 tests must be covered by the student.


Overall, the updated requirements for student visa applications in the UK reflect the government’s efforts to ensure a safe and *** ooth return to campus for international students. By providing the necessary documentation and following all public health guidelines, students can make the most of their studies in the UK while ensuring the safety of themselves and their fellow students and staff.



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