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签证商务邀请函英文,English rewrite of 签证商务邀请函 without symbols and within 50 characters

发布于:2024-11-21 作者:小途 阅读:13
签证商务邀请函英文,English rewrite of 签证商务邀请函 without symbols and within 50 characters

English Rewrite of 签证商务邀请函 without Symbols and within 50 Characters

Dear [Applicant’s Name],

We are pleased to invite you to visit our company, [Your Company Name], located in [Your City, Country]. We kindly request that you apply for a business visa to enter [Your Country] for the purpose of conducting business activities with our company.

Company Information

[Your Company Name] is a [industry/sector] company established in [Year]. Our company specializes in [brief description of services/products provided]. We have [number] employees and provide services to clients in [countries/regions].

Purpose of the Visit

The purpose of your visit to [Your Company Name] is to discuss potential business opportunities and establish mutually beneficial partnerships. During your visit, you will have the opportunity to meet with our team and tour our facilities. We hope that this visit will lead to the establishment of long-term business relationships between our companies.

Details of the Visit

Your expected arrival date is [Date], and your departure date is [Date]. We will provide transportation from the airport to your hotel upon your arrival. During your stay, we will arrange meetings with our team and visits to our facilities. We will also arrange for social events to allow us to further discuss business opportunities and network.

Financial Support

Your expenses during your stay, including travel, accommodation, and other related expenses, will be covered by [Your Company Name]. This includes expenses related to transportation to and from the airport, accommodation, meals, and other reasonable expenses incurred during the visit.

Please note that [Your Company Name] will not cover expenses related to medical emergencies, unforeseen events, or non-business-related activities.

Invitation Letter

Please find attached to this letter an official invitation from [Your Company Name]. This invitation is to support your application for a business visa to enter [Your Country]. You will be required to present this invitation letter when applying for your visa.

If you require any additional information or assistance with your visa application, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to your visit and the opportunity to explore potential business opportunities with your company.


[Your Name]

[Your Company Name]



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